Separatore vibrante rotativo ad alta efficienza per rivestimenti e vernici in polvere

Separatore vibrante rotativo ad alta efficienza per rivestimenti e vernici in polvere

√ Descrizione del vaglio vibrante del setaccio del macchinario del vaglio della ghiaiaSiamo impegnati nella produzione d
Informazioni basilari.
Modello numero.HY-800
Numero dell'alberoSeparare
Pista da corsaVaglio vibrante circolare
Dispositivo di supportoMolla elicoidale
Garanzia1 anno
Industrie applicabiliAlimentare, minerario, chimico, metallurgico, ecc
Protezione del motoreIP55 o IP65
Tipo di cornice dello schermoA forma di L
MOQ1 set
Tempo di consegna5 giorni lavorativi
Materiale del vaglio vibranteAcciaio inossidabile 304/316 o acciaio al carbonio
Guida tecnicaFornito
Pezzi di ricambioDisponibile in ogni momento
Diametro del vaglio vibranteda 400mm a 2000mm
Nome dell'elementoSetaccio vibrante
Pacchetto di trasportoScatola di legno
Specificala dimensione dipende dalla capacità necessaria
OrigineXinxiang, Cina
Codice SA

√ Customers are often concerned questions1. Client in South Africa: Can you please provide me the tariff code for sieving machine so I can forward it to my clearing agent?Answer: The harmonized tariff code is: 8474.10 or you can use 8438.102. Client in Nigeria: List of quick-wearing parts that will be taken along with the equipment.Answers: Quick-wearing parts include: screen, springs, seals etc... We will supply a certain amount of spare parts together with equipment for replacement3. Client in Greece: Available warranty?Answer: we supply warranty of one year for main parts except the quick-wearing parts.4. Client in Thailand: The height of output to ground?Answer: height of output to ground can be changed as requested to be 450mm. We accept customized services, diameter of feeding and discharging outlet, height of machine base and others can be changed as requirements of your working site.5. Client in Kingdom: What's the material of your gaskets and seals because our raw material is spice?Answers: the Gaskets and seals must be food safe material, they are made of silicon.The above mentioned is our standard model sizes, we are able to design for you according to your aim, working site, production capacity and the features of your material, just feel free to contact us today, let's solve your problems together.